In this more » work, reduced capacity was found in the cell after 100 cycles and is attributed to structural degradation and cathode–electrolyte interphase buildup from repeated Li (de)insertion processes, which limit the electrochemical reversibility of Ni and Co through increased polarization. Further, operando XAS was used to investigate the structural response of NMC622 to extended cycling and was supported by X-ray diffraction, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy analyses. Key mechanistic components were identified, as the local structural variation from redox processes and Ni 3+ Jahn–Teller distortion were decoupled. Transition metal specific electrochemical participation and structural variation revealed that much of the delivered capacity and distortion is a result of Ni redox behavior, while the local structure of Co and Mn are impacted due to their interdependencies. An extensive description of the first cycle (de)lithiation mechanisms was achieved through X-ray absorption near-edge structure analyses and extended X-ray absorption fine structure modeling. For the first time, operando X-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS) was performed on NMC622 pouch cells at three different stages. Therefore, exploring the underlying phenomena that drive detrimental structural response can lead to future improvements. However, upon extended cycling, capacity fade is prevalent due to structural degradation, which is a major drawback for layered oxide cathodes. LiNi 0.6Mn 0.2Co 0.2O 2 (NMC622) offers a unique balance of thermal stability and energy density, thus attracting attention for electric vehicle implementation. Ni-rich NMC materials are a particularly promising class of Li-ion cathodes for various applications.