Model for revolve
Model for revolve

50 Wyoming Express, a cartridge that I would use to hunt T-Rex if they ever get this cloning thing worked out. 454 that Ken Kelly at Mag-na-Port tricked out for me as a carry gun in bear country, and also Model 83 revolvers chambered for. “I actually shouted out loud, ‘Now, THAT’S a blood trail!’” “All I could think of was Crocodile Dundee and his knife,” He said. While helping the other hunter follow the skimpy blood trail that had given him hours of frustration, it intersected the one from my deer. The two blood trails couldn’t have been more different. While deer hunting in south Alabama, another hunter in camp and I both shot deer one morning. It once hit a black bear so hard that my pal, Bill Ingalls shook his head and said, “That’s the deadest got’damned bear I have ever seen.” Bill ran bear dogs for decades and had seen a lot of dead bears. I have shot it a bunch at the range working up loads and practicing, yet that gun is just as tight as the day I got it 33 years ago.


Deer, bears, hogs plus a lot of smaller game. I have lost count of the critters I have shot with that Model 83. Jones T’SOB mount and took it to the woods. I mounted a Leupold scope on it with a J.D. That first Freedom Arms Model 83 came with a standard 7.5-inch barrel. They are built with the precision of a Swiss watch and the strength of an Abrams Tank. It took a while as the Freedom Arms revolvers are not cheap. 454 Casull took that title and when Freedom Arms in Wyoming started making revolvers, I had to have one. 44 Magnum was “The most powerful handgun in the world.” The Best Revolvers: Reviews & Recommendations Best Single Action: Freedom Arms Model 83

model for revolve

  • Best Single Action: Freedom Arms Model 83.
  • Here are my recommendations for the best revolvers for hunters. Today, in the 4-inch version offered by S&W, it’s still a great carry option. The Model 19 S&W with a shorter barrel was the preferred gun of many law enforcement people and those civilians who carried concealed for many years. 357 every place I go, that may be woodcock hunting or it may be shopping for dinner. Many of them work pretty well for two-legged threats, too. Certainly, some of these are perfect for protection against lions and tigers and bears in the wilderness.

    model for revolve

    While these are mostly for outdoorsmen, some of these guns could also be considered the best concealed carry revolvers. Here’s a look at what I consider some of the best revolvers for outdoorsmen and women. 45 Colt centerfire cartridge, solidified American’s love affair with revolvers, one that still runs hot even today, nearly 200 years after Colt carved the prototype.

    model for revolve

    The Single Action Army Colt, along with the. It’s the gun that inspired the epitaph “God created men, Col. Later, in 1873 after the patent ran out, Colt introduced the Single Action Army pistol, perhaps the most famous revolver in history. The Smith & Wesson Model 1 was the first revolver to use self-contained cartridges. Of course there have been a multitude of improvements and changes, but if you put a revolver from today next to one from the late eighteen hundreds it is easy to tell they are the same species. It was that concept-drilled-through cylinders to allow the use of pre-loaded cartridges-which launched the revolver into what we see as the modern design. They patented his invention and blocked Colt from building cartridge firearms for almost 20 years. After Colt fired White for daring to suggest an improvement to his revolver design, White took his idea to Smith & Wesson.

    model for revolve

    White had an idea of a “bored-through” revolver cylinder to allow the use of metallic cartridges in a handgun. A neat feature on this gun was that the trigger was hidden inside the frame until the gun was cocked.Ĭolt made a huge mistake when he dismissed an idea from one of his gunsmiths, Rollin White. By 1836, he was producing the Colt Patterson, named for Patterson, N.J., where he made the guns. He is arguably said to have invented the modern revolver with that model. The modern design revolver has been around since 1830 when Sam Colt was bored while crossing the ocean on a slow boat and carved out a wooden model of a revolver. It’s a very interesting piece of gun building, but didn’t catch on. It belonged to the officer Georg von Reichwein from Hessen in Germany. The first recorded revolver is an 8-shot, manually rotated, flintlock revolver made in 1597. This cylinder turns on a pivot pin in the center to align each hole in the cylinder in turn with the barrel and the firing mechanism. That cylinder has holes drilled in which the charges or cartridges are fitted. A revolving cylinder is fitted into the frame with a handle on the bottom. The revolver was the first successful repeating handgun, and even today, the basic design has remained the same. One of the biggest advancements in firearms was repeating firearms.

    Model for revolve